The groups legal representative
Count Hagan (mka Joshua Mock)
[email protected]
Local Treasurer
Megan “Bunny” Bereskin
Minister of the Arts and Sciences
Arts and Projects Coordinator
Lady Sorcha Cunningham (mka Amy Blasko)
[email protected]
This person can help you research and apply for your name and coat of arms
Muruvvet Mutfagin Bint Mehmed Bey Galatanin (mka Danielle M. Lance)
[email protected]
Keeping these pages alive!
Lady Elisabeta Fischer (mka Elisabeth DeCrane)
Welcomes newcomers
Lady Tyberious Haroldson (mka Ryan Sanders)
[email protected]
Knights Marshall
Coordinates fighter practices and training
Baron Dafydd y Saer (mka David Apple)
[email protected]
Rapier Marshall
Coordinates rapier fighter practice and training
Lord Tyberious Haroldson (mka Ryan Sanders)
Secretary of Dark River
No officer in this role at this time.
Social Media Officer
Manages Dark River’s social media accounts
Lady Ates Ejderhasi (mka Samantha DeCrane)
[email protected]